This evening, I discovered that at least two bits of information I had listed in my more fledgling days of genealogy were wrong. I am sorry for anyone who stumbles upon my information thinking they had found a lead of any sort. This is one reason why I tend to work things out on paper over a long, long period of time.
The reason I prefer to study it for a long period is that new information can come to light and provide much needed insights. One of the relatives I'd listed under John Pool and Annie Galloway Pool was Elizabeth J. Pool. She is indeed their daughter, born in 1852 and that fact if well documented. However, I erroneously posted her as being married in 1875 in Bibb Co., GA. In fact, the woman who was listed, had the same name but was not at all my relative! New documentation proves my own error. So, I am back to square one with Elizabeth J. Pool, born 1852 in Cullodenville, Monroe, Georgia.
In other research, I stumbled on a mention of a Poolesville, Montgomery, Maryland. The history mentions a John Poole, along with his brother Joseph and Pooles seem to have lived there for a number of years from about 1760. I am hopeful only because John was an established family name for this particular set of Poole.
Let me hastily add, I do not know if this is MY Poole family ancestors. Since my own relative did NOT follow naming patterns that were commonly used, there is not yet any way of knowing. As well the historical facts beyond the name of these settlers in Maryland are about all I have to go on. Is it a win? Or another Brick Wall? The little history I've found is very little indeed. Transcriptions for Maryland as a whole do not seem to be online.
However, for those of you who may also have Poole as a surname in your family and who are related to John F. Poole, there is a brief history online written by Charles W. Elgin, Sr. which goes into more historical detail about John and Joseph Poole.
It is my intention to establish a habit of Genealogy Sundays and hopefully I shall be better about updating my own research. I am also working on doing what I failed to do in the beginning and that is gathering citations. How unimportant they seemed when I began this research years ago for 'fun' and how important they are now that I want to leave behind as accurate a record as I might as a future help for others! I will list updates on individuals on their respective pages, as well, so others can avoid the mistakes I have made.
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